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National Flag of Baluchistan
By: Dorra Rind
The original Anthem of Balochistan, the second addition and final result.
Second Time 1965
The aim of this document is to introduce in brief the history of our National Flag of Greater Baluchistan, to help our people reproduce it correctly. This document contains basic rules for the construction of the flag as well as the standard colours.

Historical Background
The National Flag was first introduced by leaders of Western Baluchistan in 1960, in Egypt, Romania and later in Iraq for the National Front the Liberation of Western Baluchistan to represent the Baloch Nation in the struggle for independence and free Baluchistan from the illegal domination, oppression and occupation of the Persian tyrant kings. It was subsequently presented to the members of the international delegation at the peace conferences that devised a plan for Baloch Nations independence. Under the same flag the Baloch leaders announced the formation of the first “Baloch Government in Exile” in 1961, started in Egypt and fought a drawn-out war until 1972, in order to revive the Baloch Nation national independence,which was lost since 1415.
In 1961 year of the creation of the 1st Government of Baluchistan in exile, the old “Chakari Flag” which was Red with the picture of a Black panther, was retired and Sarmachar’s adopted the National Flag and it became the official flag of the exile parliament and of occupied Baluchistan and abroad. Following these historic background, the National Flag is widely adopted in Greater Baluchistan in East Occupied Baluchistan and proudly has been set aloft by various Balochi political parties and entities in all sectors of the Balochland and abroad.
The Flag of Baluchistan has thus been consecrated by the blood of all Baloch martyrs patriots of this century, from tens of thousands who fell in defending the independence movement we salute them to give their life for our future freedoms. The flag was aloft when Nasir was immolated in 1960; it was aloft when wounded Baloch on stretchers were placed before the firing squads under cruel Iranian Shah rules; it was aloft when Baloch civilians were gassed in their hundreds in villages in Aahurran and Zardkouh in Baluchistan; it was aloft when hundreds of Baloch innocent were driven from their villages and towns that have been set alight since 1958-59; and, it remains aloft everywhere today—more than 5 decades after the loss of Baluchistan independence–when Baloch are redoubling their perennial struggle to regain their dignity and equality with other nations by reviving their right to choose the course of their own future. The flag of Baluchistan is a aloft today and proudly in West, East and North Baluchistan and Western Countries. It’s our identity for thousands who lost their lives defending our Country Baluchistan from tyrants regimes and continue to fight the war today in the battle fields.
The National Flag of Greater Balochistan consists of a tricolor field, with a five dimension star in the blue field.
The Baloch National flag has two horizontal bands. The upper stripe is green, the first one sky blue with a white five dimension star and the bottom band is red. The width of the flag is two-thirds of the length.
Figure 1
The primary Baloch characteristic of the flag is the white five dimension star at the beginning. The 5 dimension of the star is the Balochi Standard Language, secularism, cultural, the heroic history among the Baloch, stretching into antiquity. The five angle star disk has many decades’ olds; every angle is equal in size and shape. The number angles hold a primary importance in the native Baloch heroic secularism and cultural tradition of the Baloch Nation.

Figure 2
Using the given flag dimensions of 2:3, the star disk has a diameter of 1.0 including the rays and 0.5 without them. These rays have straight sides, come to a sharp point at their outer end, and form an inverse point where they meet each other and the central disk. (Figure Three)
Figure 3
The star appears in the exact center of the sky blue of the flag. (Figure 4)
The star is placed so that the flag’s vertical meridian passes through its topmost point. (Figure 5) as described above.
The flag is in the following colors:
GREEN: #60DD49
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